In other words #ewww Still, it's cool my work is still popular, right? RIGHT?! What's with the cloud bread name? They're not clouds; they're crumbly bits of bread. But sugar? Really? In … [Continue reading]
When saving money gets visual

We all do it. That little fist pump of victory when we buy a card and stack it on a store coupon. Or the time you got your free Birthday lunch and scored a freebie for a friend by becoming an e-member. We won't EVEN talk about the time you … [Continue reading]
Does a black bear eat carbs in the woods?

Okay so it's not a real black bear. In fact, it's more along the lines of a Black Bear Diner. When I asked my son which restaurant he most wanted to visit, he said, "I'd like a Black Bear Diner Big Bear Deluxe Burger." That's great, I thought, … [Continue reading]
1972 Atkins Induction Food List
Waiting for your book to arrive from amazon, the library or your friend? Here's the skinny on his biologically zero carb (meaning less than 20 *total carb) way of eating to get you started from the book that began it all, (Atkins, 1972, pp. … [Continue reading]
Your Diet is So Old
Simple kicks tail when it comes to everything in life. When it's your diet? It doesn't get much more simple than old school diet plans. Regardless the regimen you're following, you already deal with occasional stink eye when you mention you're … [Continue reading]